Twelfth City Cyclery’s Community


Twelfth City is proudly a 1% for the Planet member which serves as part of our commitment to our greater community. We’re cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts passionate about the sustainability of our environment - we want the outdoors to stay healthy enough for us to ride in for years to come!

Can we help or offer advice to you and your riding group(s)? Locally, at popular trailheads, potentially the car park of your workplace or your group’s local pub, Twelfth City Cyclery wants to be active in the encouragement of our network. Currently we directly support a local charitable organisation, local riding groups like our doorstep cycling clubs and Wylam on Wheels as a British Cycling recognised event.


We truly hope to support our clients well, encouraging all of our clients to ride our work before sharing feedback and while word of mouth is most effective we’re very grateful to be mentioned in many Group Chats - Google, Yelp and Facebook reviews allow our greater community to better understand our abilities.