Our fits

“Bike fitting” is not using your inseam measurement to decide whether you should ride a small or a medium bike. Bike fitting is about manipulating the five contact points of the bike to suit the rider - because asking the rider to manipulate themselves for the bike, is commonplace, and uncomfortable.

A comfortable rider can put out more power, ride for longer and ultimately return to the bike more frequently. Bike fits are not just for professional roadies, they’re for the bedroom-based stationary bike riders even more so and everyone in between. Although the BikeFit process Twelfth City Cyclery works through focuses on feet as the foundation - those feet being clipped in - there are still three more contact points to address even if riding in steel-toes.

Even just for the assurance that you’re on the right-sized bike with the seat at the right angle Twelfth City Cyclery encourages every rider to go through at least one fit in their riding career. For our fits, we typically visit our clients in their safe space typically the size of a traditional garage.

Toe to Head Fit



Spending a couple of hours together, rider and fitter learn to appreciate riding style with respect to bike characteristics whilst building from the foot as the foundation.

This is the most complete fit option we offer working from connection with the pedal, up through to hand on the bars.

Stem-sizing is assessed in this fit where appropriate.

The cleat-only fit is included in this fit.

This fit includes a ProLogo MyOwn saddle recommendation session.

Cleat-only Fit



Here we’ll use the direct drive trainer as in the Toe-to-Head fit but we stop once the cleat interface has been assessed for five different areas:

  • Fore/Aft cleat location

  • Medial/Lateral cleat location

  • Wedging

  • Leg-length shimming

  • Cleat angling

There may be some checking of the saddle height.

No-cleat Fit



In this fit we look at saddle-recommendations, saddle global location and the interaction with the handlebar as a contact point.

Given there is no control over repetitive foot placement, guidance is offered for more general comfort.

ProLogo MyOwn Saddle Fit



As a ProLogo MyOwn dealer, we offer fits based around the sizing Cube and associated user data like mobility to create a list of five saddles that all come with an industry-leading 60-day money-back guarantee.

If a saddle is purchased as a result of this fit, the cost of this service is removed.